Learn how to test toilet leaks without help of plumbers, history of plumbing, You know you are a plumbers wife, water heater won’t fit, hire a plumber, camera inspection, sewer line repairs, best plumbers, new gas line, since have been experiencing some problems with your toilet for some time now and you believe that it has been leaking. Therefore our Okc plumber can help. Or you can learn how to test toilet leaks without help of plumbers.
Whereas you’d better get it inspected before the problem grows bigger. Because it is much safer to have it checked and have peace of mind. That you don’t need any help from professional plumbers. Than to wait until your home is flooded. Therefore spend a lot on water-damage repair services. Whereas learning how to test toilet leaks without help of plumbers can save you money
To test toilet leaks without help of plumbers
Test Toilet Leaks
- Whereas the first thing that you need to check is the level of the water which is in the tank and make sure that it does not overflow out the flow pipe. Which is in the center of the tank.
- If you find out that water is running into the overflow pipe. Therefore adjust the fill valve until the water stops about an inch below the top of the overflow tube.
- Additionally then you can put a few drops of any food coloring in the tank to make sure that the ballcock is operating properly. If you do not have such products at home Whereas you can get some in the nearest grocery store for a price lower than $1.
- Therefore if the water in your toilet bowl has changed its color after 15-20 minutes. Most probably either the ball or the flapper are leaking.
- You have now learned how to test toilet leaks without help of plumbers
Do not hurry up to replace it before consulting with a specialist. Because it is easy and you can learn how to test toilet leaks without help of plumbers. There are plenty Okc Plumbers but only one should be your top choice and that is Abba Disc0unt Plumbing and Water Heaters. You can call us at 405-722-8989 when you need help.
History of Plumbing
Part of the history of plumbing is well known that the early ancient Romans had sewers systems. Whereas they would build their simple outhouses or their latrines on top of the water that ran through the sewers. Therefore that would pour directly into the Tiber River.
Then Chamber pots would be used in the middle ages. The chamber pots were metal pots or ceramic bowls that you would use then you would toss the contents out usually through a window.
Then then history of plumbing changed when in 1596 the first flush toilet would be invented and built by Queen Elizabeth Ist’s God son. Sir John Harrington.
Although the first patent for a flushing toilet would be credited to Alexander Cummings in the year 1775.
In the 1800s, people also realized that the poor sanitary conditions were causing disease. Whereas using toilets and the sewer systems could control human waste. Therefore was becoming the law of the land and better sanitary practices.
1829, when the Tremont Hotel in Boston became the first to have indoor plumbing. Whereas it boasted eight water closets all built by Isaiah Rogers. Additionally around 1840, indoor plumbing could only be found in homes of the rich or the better hotels.
History of Plumbing Progresses
Therefore the toilet is a plumbing appliance used for urination and defecation. Whereas the modern toilet of today consist of a bowl fitted with a seat. Hence they are connected to the plumbing drain and the waste lines. Whereas toilets are called, latrine, lavatory, privy or water closest. As the history of plumbing progress according to legend Sir Thomas Crapper invented the toilet but this is not true.
King Minos of Crete would have the very first flushing toilet recorded in our history of plumbing and that would have been well over 2800 years ago. Additionally a toilet would be discovered in the tomb of the Chinese king in the Western Han Dynasty that would date back to 206 BC to 24 AD.
Therefore beginning in 1900’s the toilet designs started going away from an elevated water tank to the modern day toilet with a bowl and a close tank.
The history of plumbing goes back a long way
Invention of Toilet Paper
Whereas the very first packaged toilet paper would be in 1857.Therefore the invention of toilet paper was the American. Joseph Gayetty and it was called Gayetty’s Medicated Paper. Around 1880, British Perforated Paper Company would create the paper product that would be used for wiping after using the bathroom. Whereas it would come in boxes that had the small pre cut squares. Hence around 1879. Therefore Scott Paper Company would begin selling the first toilet paper that was on a roll. Whereas toilet paper in the roll form wouldn’t be used much until around 1907. 1942, the St. Andrew’s Paper Mill of Great Britain would introduce the very first two ply toilet paper.
Toilet Brushes
Early history of plumbing1930, the Addis Brush Company would create the very first artificial Christmas trees. Whereas they used the same principle to make their toilet brushes! Therefore the material used to make the brushes and their design would be dictated by the intended use. Hair of animals such as oxen, badgers, horses, squirrel would be used in the household and the toilet brushes. Also various types of plant fibers would be used. Therefore such as piassava would be obtained from the Brazilian palm and Palmyra bassine derived from Palmyra palm in Africa and Sri Lanka. Whereas the brush bristles would be joined to handles and the backs of plastic metal or wood. Most of the household toilet brushes would be built by inserting tufts of the fibers into holes drilled in the brush backs.
You know you are a plumbers wife

- You know you are a plumbers wife when Christmas comes around. Therefore you hurry fast as you can opening all the presents before the first emergency plumbing call.
- If he says he is twisting nipples and they are dribbling, you are never jealous.😁
- You know you are a plumbers wife when giving him a massage or walking on his back it is like rocks and really messed up from plumbing.
- Whereas you know you are a plumbers wife Because If something doesn’t work at home you never fret, there is nothing he can not repair. Therefore even when he says that he can’t, what he is actually saying he does not want to. Because you know there is nothing he can’t repair.
- You’ve let your new baby go to a repair wearing a Snug ally.
- Additionally he knows all about the most private details of even the most prominent members of the community. Whereas even though he will never tell. Because of course, he has worked in all of their their basements.
You know you are a plumbers wife sadly
You know you are a plumbers wife sadly when you rush off to town and when you get home an hour later you see this huge 5 ton A.C. unit fully installed and hanging from your up stairs balcony. So you ask how did you do this and he says, we learned quite a bit from the Egyptians. Whereas you bop yourself in the forehead. Because you know you are a plumbers wife.
He never had a problem or even moved an eyelash with the worst throw up all over him or poop y diapers.
He can never attend a reunion or get together. Therefore with out getting asked to see their water leak, and find the fowl smell coming from their sink or check out their garbage disposal.
You know you are a plumbers wife when Because
You know you are a plumbers wife because the lady at the party grabs him with a big hug, tearing up she says thank you for your help. Because a month ago her husband was very sick. Hence there was a huge blizzard. Whereas their whole house was covered and they could not get out. Unknowing to you he took the tractor over. Hence removed the snow and stocked the furnace with coal. And once again you know you are a plumbers wife.
You know you are a plumbers wife because when you travel he brings his pliers and his own Shower Head.
- You are not offended or act like your not when he gets just more plumbers crack birthday cards from all his friends.
- Your annoyed when he can tell you where all the bathrooms are any where you go by looking at the vents on the roof.
- You see you children running around with Duct Tape on their cuts or bruises.
- You get to stay or eat free at motels or restaurants because he has done repairs there.
Additionally every week your husband will get a call from Mrs Lenox. She is very old. She’s caring for her debilitated husband with no help. Whereas there is nothing wrong at her house but she reports several issues. Therefore its been going on for a long time. She is lonely but your husband heads over right away and cheers her up. Sometimes you get the lesson that few a problems are as bad as unrolling a role of aquapex pipping wrong.
You know you are a plumbers wife if
You know you are a plumbers wife if it bothers you when you hear complaints about how much he will charge for a repair. Hence you always know it is reasonable. Because it costs a lot to learn what he has learned and do what he can do. Therefore you have seen him completely take a good riding lawnmower apart because he said it wasn’t running right. Then he put the lawnmower back together with a turbo diesel engine installed. Whereas he installed a new water heater in our house just because he just really had the feeling the good one was about to go. Whereas then he cut old one in two to see if it was bad.
Additionally he builds these huge swinging and moving games for the kids out of PVC and pex piping. Whereas tools are always our sons best presents. Hence again you know you are a plumbers wife when you have hot water seal cocks out side on all corners of your home. You know you are a plumbers wife when he tell everyone at the party you now know how to test toilet leaks without help of plumbers
Hence your garbage disposal is off limits and he informs you it was made for us. Because it clogs drains better than anything on the market. He says crappy Chinese and off brand faucets or fixtures are as disgusting, revolting, nauseating, hideous, gross, vile, foul, abhorrent, repellent, stomach-turning, offensive to him as a tattoo on a three year old. Ha ha😂🤣
Water Heater Won’t Fit
The problem usually starts when the customer needs a new water heaters Oklahoma City. Whereas they make the huge mistake 0f ordering it or purchasing the new one. Therefore at one of the local hardware or big box stores like Lowe’s or Home Depot.
Whereas when it arrives. Wow, my water heater won’t fit. Therefore they should have purchased a low boy or they don’t take into consideration that the new tanks are larger because of new regulations. Because they have to have twice as much insulation now compared to the old units. Whereas they are quite a bit larger in diameter and some are taller. Therefore the expense they incur to demo everything out and be reinstalled. Whereas including their existing water lines and vent will cost them high dollar. Therefore when compared to just calling us to get the job done right from the get go. So they end up spending more in the long run for a shabby job that they will have problems with in the future and still say my water heater won’t fit.
Having your tank replaced is never on the top of your to do list but when you do need it done you need to make sure it is done right the first time to save money in the long run.
Here is why that is:
New Water Heater Regulations
Additionally new water heater regulations started In April of 2015, new regulations for all tanks manufacturers and distributors. Therefore this requires that the tanks have a lot more insulation and are more energy efficient. Whereas this will make it 2 inches taller and 2 inches wider. Additionally when it needs to fit in a very tight attic door or in the small utility rooms. Therefore call one of our plumbers today and we will check to make sure it fits where you need it to be and what options you will have if it doesn’t.
You might want to switch to the Tank less. The consumers that purchase from big box stores are not always aware of all the new water heater regulations they may have. You can always save a lot of space when going from a regular to a tank less water heater. The Tankless water heaters will always save money and space by heating water as demanded in lieu of a regular water heater that stores it in the tank after it is heated. Therefore the tankless water heaters are smaller than a suit case and usually can be installed just about anywhere in your home.
Don’t be a lazy buyer! Be sure and know the one that you choose to work with. If you are not sure of what you need? Call for a free over the phone estimate from the plumbers at Abba Disc0unt Plumbing and Water Heaters. 405-722-8989
Hire a Plumber

Don’t make these Common Mistakes, hire a plumber to install your water heater.
The Customers in these examples are trying to make good decisions, instead they made some costly mistakes:
Therefore don’t ever Buy your replacement unit From the Big Box stores. Hire a plumber to install your water heater. Because at At Lowe’s and Home Depot you might get a lower price to start off on installation. Whereas when the job is complete the price will change significantly. Therefore call the us for a quote. Because we will inspect the job and get it done right from the very start and that will save you money. Therefore also time and will give you peace of mind about your new appliance installation. Because there is a lot that could go wrong with the install including the vent, gas line or water leaking and damage your property. Whereas not to mention a lose of life from a gas leak or carbon monoxide leaking into your home.
Hiring a Plumber
Therefore hiring a plumber to make sure and get an accurate estimate from the start. Additionally make sure they stick with the price they give you and stand behind their work. Therefore with at least a one year warranty on the labor. Whereas the tank will usually come with a six year warranty from the manufacture. Therefore paying for the tank and installation from the same company. Whereas to make sure it is priced right. Therefore our plumbers will always offer correct estimates and the price on your statement will always be the same as the original estimate. Whereas this is how we became the most trusted in plumber in Oklahoma City.
While he is there. The plumber can easily teach you how to test toilet leaks without help of plumbers

Drain Cleaning
If your thinking about Drain Cleaning what do you always think of first? Therefore it would usually be a small or large bottle of drain opener in that plastic container you can find at your local hardware or supermarket. Whereas we might hear you say it will open the drains but in all actuality it is a bottle of toxic poison (muriatic acid) that can and will destroy your pipes or drain lines.
Therefore muriatic acid will destroy your drain line when used in excess and will burn the eyes and skin when they come in contact with them. Because it will also cause serious havoc on the our snake or auger when we are drain cleaning and possibly snap off or break off our snake inside your drain pipes. Whereas you see (muriatic acid) will crystallize their snake and cause the snake to no longer have the spring and flexibility that it needs to turn the bends and travel though your sewer drains. Therefore this causes it to break when they get about half way through your drain lines and then you have a whole new problem. Because a large piece of snake or auger broken off and stuck inside of your already clogged sewer lines. Therefore we would hope that you didn’t use it and will usually ask if you did.
Hence if you need drain cleaning you can try a toilet plunger (harmless, can’t damage you sewer drains), ( or safer) you can call and get our service of a get it done right the first time. Whereas when you need someone that you can depend on. Call us at Abba Disc0unt Plumbing and Water Heaters. Our trained plumbers will do the job right the first time.
Toilet Plunger
Whereas when you really have a bad clog usually a toilet plunger just will not get the job done right and can be very frustrating because it might seem like it worked for a small amount of time and then the clog will return. Because if you call us our plumbers carry with them the sewer machine that will do the trick. Whereas a sewer machine has a long spring like snake that uses a motor to push the snake.
Therefore it extends into your sewer drains where it turns like a drill. It pushes the snake though the clogs or roots and will clear the blockage better then a toilet plunger. Therefore so they will drain efficiently again. Where you call find a crank by hand model at your big box stores. Hence they won’t get the job done like the machines the Oklahoma city plumbers will carry with them on their truck.
Whereas in some cases however they will not be able to get through the clog for some unforeseen reason like a collapsed drain pipe or very large tree roots. Therefore at this time the sewer drain will have to have a camera run. Whereas to find the exact location of the problem. Therefore dig or excavate. To expose the plumbing and repair the damaged area. Whereas in this case some customers keep trying the toilet plunger but at this point this will just impact other drain lines.
Whereas sometime if the sewer drain is just to clogged with roots for a sewer machine to clear hydro jetting the drains can be an alternative to solve the problem. Therefore they work fairly well but even a Hydrojett has its limitations and are very expensive. Whereas there are not to many plumbers that have these units..
Hence it can be a small job cleaning out one clog or a major job of cleaning out all of the sewer drain lines at once for preventive maintenance. Whereas for root removal and to help stop repairs in the future. Because these roots can actual get so large they will destroy and collapse your pipes. Therefore i if not stopped or removed before they grow big enough to do extensive damage. Whereas if you remove them you then add foaming root killer in the toilets once a month and if you call we will tell you how to add salt for the prevention of roots.
If you haven’t had your drains cleaned in quite a while it may be time to do some maintenance to make sure those small roots don’t turn into big problems. Call today for your drain cleaning.
So call our professionals at Abba Disc0unt Plumbing and Water Heaters any time to take care of any issues you may having
Camera Inspection
If you are trying to maintain your systems, keep it in good working order with out major problems you need to be able to know when the problems arise before they become to excessive to repair. Because most of your issues start small and are not detectable until they became a huge issue. So the drain lines need to have a camera inspection manually. Because the drain lines are not visible and are under the flooring or inside of your wall framing. Therefore this is not an easy task. Because they can cause major issues for you house. Whereas when it takes so long for them to start to show up or become visible and by this time it is usually to late to stop all of the damages.
Whereas now to stop these problem areas in enough time to save some money in the long run and prevent further large problems. Therefore you only have a few alternatives to choose from and one of them is the video camera inspection. Lets see all the attributes of using the video camera inspection of your drain lines. Therefore what is it and how do we use it properly. It will use a long snake with a video camera attached to the end with small gears that will pull it along the drain lines. Therefore so the plumber can see what the problem are inside of the drain lines.
Video Camera Inspection
Hence as the video camera inspection moves along the drain lines our plumbers can see and identify issues or problems. As he is sent the images to his inspection screen. Whereas this way we can see the problem. Identify it and its location. Pinpoint it with great accuracy and prevent the damage that would have incurred if they had to just start breaking the concrete to find where the problems are.
Therefore to make sure you drains will stay in good working order it is a good idea to maintain preventative video camera inspection through out the year. Whereas if you keep this in mind through out the year your we can find the problems before they turn into some major issues and save you money in the end. But if you don’t wait for the problems to just show up on their own and do the preventative maintenance. As an ongoing regime you will always have less problems overall. Whereas it will be smart and good advice to do the video drain line inspections on an annual basis. Therefore this plan will obviously save you a lot of money.

Sewer Line Repairs
If you are having trouble with your main sewer line, you need to find the source of the problem before you spend any money on it. Whereas checking your sewer lines periodically is one way of getting to know if any problem is present. Therefore the other way is checking once the systems pops up. Whereas when you get the info. Then pend money on the sewer line repairs.
The first method before sewer line repairs is of drain cleaning. Carry this method when the sewer line is blocked due to gathering of solid objects in sewer pipes. Drain cleaning is a sewer pipeline repair method. Therefore solve this problem. There is no point in getting a drain cleaned to be blocked again later.
A second opinion
Before you spend 10k dollars on replacing the sewer line repairs, get a second onion. There are many ways to repair the lines. Many companies can help you getting a second opinion. it can be a difficult task if you decide to do it yourself. However we can will help you reach the right decision.
Repair and Replace
After you take a professional opinion you get to know what kind of problem you face. There are three major categories of sewer line repair and replace that can exist.
- Bellied pipe
- Leaking joints
- Corroded pipe
- Collapsed pipes
- Roots
These three broad categories have different remedies depending upon the severity of the problem.
- Trenchless sewer line replacement
- Lining old sewer lines
- Using a backhoe and digging up the yard
We can help you repair and replace your damaged sewer pipeline. Call us today and we will be on our way to repairing or replacing your sewer line.
Trenchless Sewer Line Replacement
Whereas when it comes to replacement of the sewer pipes, we will have many solutions. Therefore one of the solutions is to get trenchless sewer line replacement. Because this helps in keeping the landscape intact. Whereas this way you save a lot of money while you get your pipes replaced.
Whereas at some point in time you will have to make a tough decision. Therefore this decision is to go for a repair or partial/total replacement of the sewer system. Because you need the help of professional and their opinion to take a calculated decision. Whereas repairs cost less but the problem can return. Therefore replacements cost more but it is more of a long term solution.
Whereas there are many YouTube videos will tell you that you can do it yourself. However, this is one area of you should not try your hand on. Because a burst pipe will not only prolong the problem but also cost you a lot more than the actual problem solving solution. Therefore use us.
Best Plumbers
Are you lost? Looking for the best plumbers fix get your pipes? Therefore this is the area where people lack trust and hesitate to hire a team of plumbers. As their expectations most probably results nugatory but wait. Therefore hang on if you are living in the local area. Whereas looking for a premium solution. Therefore then you don’t have to look around for your solutions to your plumbing wows.
Whereas at our shop in the morning. Therefore surrounded with a squad of highly prestigious, eminent and hard working plumbers. Who have gained numerous achievements under the banners of this business. Therefore it’s the mastery, skill-set and years of experience which puts our best plumbers on top charts. Whereas of the leading and most reputable plumbing repair and installation company. Hence their areas of expertise are strong and diverse
Therefore what makes us the best plumbers around this town? A messy, tricky nightmare most of the plumbing companies want to dodge. But in case of Abba Disc0unt Plumbing and Water Heaters. Therefore they don’t want to run away from their responsibilities, doing the plumbing trick nicely. Hence providing diversification in each division of installation. Therefore whether it be repairing & maintenance, from installation of gas lines or water lines. Whereas every field of operation is performing uniquely under each department. Because customer satisfaction is top on the priority list, Therefore despite the quantity of work. Whereas quality is something which is the main concern.
Fast Plumbers
Additionally a great warrior is the one who believes in his army that’s the key to success of Abba Disc0unt Plumbing and Water Heaters. Therefore the skillful army of fast plumbers in their working domain. Whereas with years of experience brings out to perform highly achievable goals.
Need assistance? Therefore what you’ll get in the package will amaze you. Because once you call, their fast plumbers are always waiting on standby. Therefore for customer help and support those faucets and plumbing fixtures or quickly show you how to test toilet leaks without help of plumbers. Whereas installed by our fast plumbers. With 30 years of experience working in the field it adds more spice to their work, just like the garnishing to pizza. The more the better.
A good entrepreneurial mind always clicks, not to disappoint your customers. Whereas a part of their training session is always on “Customer’s Satisfaction”. Therefore no job is too big or too small. Because it’s comes out good with a happy ending. Whereas customer relationship is a cycle. So don’t break it What’s so good about our fast plumbers is we focus on our task as well as customers too.
Whereas your plumbers must always be charge the going rate? Because of the quality of work you produce. Therefore fortunately it’s serendipity for the locals that they are providing assistance. Whereas with flawless, impeccable services. Therefore on tremendous prices with definitely yet again the level of work. Whereas up-to the mark of excellence. Therefore to make our customers happy. Whereas our plumbers stated that their main focus is to make connections, rather than demanding heaps of money. Therefore they always provide a job well done.
Additionally we also install or repair toilets’ and we will show you today how you can test toilet leaks without help of plumbers
New Gas Line

Whereas natural gas is not a new game for anyone. Therefore where you need and require to install a new gas in your house or business. Additionally this may be for new construction housing, modification in the existing building. Or may be as a result of some major fault in the plumbing or due to any other reason.
Whereas more specifically, installing a whole new gas line in your home or providing an extension may be carried out if you have purchased a new gas appliance or you are converting any appliance to gas. Therefore definitely, gas appliances. Whether those required for water heating or cooking. Therefore you need to replace the existing electrical or in some case coal appliances and install the new gas water heaters.
In fact, providing the natural gas to your home. Therefore done by a licensed plumber. Which will be an expert plumbing contractor. Therefore you need to have your natural gas line installed as well as all related heating and cooking appliances. Whereas through your plumbing contractor. Therefore by completing all of the relevant documentations i.e permits and inspections. You can then install the gas line.
Permits are required for any new gas line connection, modification, repairing, removing or demolition. Whereas some plumbing jobs do not require permits. Like painting. Whereas however, electrical, plumbing, mechanical and some other permits. Therefore contractors licensed and registered with the City and state of Oklahoma.
In Oklahoma city, gas line extension or installing a whole new gas line in your home needs someone who is a plumber and licensed in this field. Installing a gas line or modifying it, is a sensitive issue. Therefore a gas line that is running or will run directly through your house could be a concern. Whereas any gas leak big or small can be very unsafe, even if it occurs outside.
Gas line
Therefore, a most trusted and experienced contractor must be hired for the job. Because if you use these plumbing contractors due to their credibility. Hence their experience and quality of work they produce easily pass any plumbing inspections
Whereas if you are having the work done by a plumbing contractor. Therefore the plumbers will automatically follow all the procedures and notify the City inspecting department. Whereas the to inspect
You need to ensure that they fulfill all the requirements as well as fulfil all quality needs. Gas installation or repair in your house. Trust the plumber.
Additionally the inspection department will carry out detailed inspections and if need arises a re-inspection and then the gas will be resorted to. Whereas do the work according to the laid down codes and regulations.
Whereas our plumbers are experienced and dedicated people who are capable of and fulfill all the requirements of gas installation or modification in your house. Therefore they make use of the most appropriate fittings and piping suitable for all requirements. We are definitely the best choice to meet your expectations and requirements.
Remember for the best plumbing maintenance to be sure and test toilet leaks without help of plumbers and if you don’t know how. We will show you.